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dolphins jumping

Hope you are well and you have enjoyed some time in the fine crisp cold weather we have been having the past few weeks! A lot of changes were happening around the world and with nature too as the days shorten animals are getting ready for hibernation. Sea Synergy marine awareness centre is too in hibernation as we are now closed for the winter until summer 2017, but that doesn’t mean that we have stopped; in fact, I’m really happy to say it is one of my busiest autumns here at home in Ireland!

Now listed as one of the Heritage in schools Experts I have been out to lots of primary schools introducing them to all things marine, biodiversity, conservation and Leave No Trace. The school visits provide additional education on the natural environment and are part-funded by the Heritage Council. If you work in a school or know anyone who does please pass on this information! Follow the link below to find out how to book a visit:

Also this year I’m very happy to say I have been given the honour of rolling out the Marine Institutes fully funded Marine Explorers Programme for primary schools in Kerry! This is a fantastic programme for 3-6th classes to discover the wonders of the ocean and how we are inextricably interconnected with it! It includes projects on marine biodiversity, having an aquarium in your school and a seashore safari as well as great lesson plans and resources for teachers! If you would like to get involved in either of these programmes for schools please email me on

Also for Science week we have been visiting secondary schools to let students know what marine scientists work is like and show them some of the cool animals we get to hang out with!

In October I was delighted to be awarded silver in the Irish Responsible Tourism Awards for Best Natural Heritage Tourism for Sea SynergyThank you to everyone who wished us luck and congratulated us on our Silver award. I had a lovely day at the Irish Responsible Tourism Conference in Dublin and was delighted by the result!

We organised the first Iveragh Learning Landscapes Symposium from the 14-16th of October which was a huge success! We were blown away by all the enthusiasm, excitement and fantastic feedback we have had from all our participants! The two-day event in Waterville and Caherdaniel was focused on place-based learning, outdoor education, nature connection and heritage through talks, workshops and guided walks. We had over 80 attendees from all different walks of life travelling from all over the country and Europe. These are the type of events we need in rural Ireland to help connect people with their place, extend the tourism season and empower people to have the confidence to teach outdoors so I am delighted it went so well! Keep an eye on the Iveragh Learning Landscapes Facebook page to keep up to date on next year’s event, scheduled for October 2017! For more info on the event, this year see the report attached.

I had a fun afternoon with John and Kerryann from Atlantic Irish Seaweed on the Frank Lewis show on Radio Kerry talking rock pooling, foraging and folklore.  Listen in on the podcast just click the link:

A few places still left on our Sea Self- Mindfulness @ Sea; 10th-18th December –St. Thomas; US & British Virgin IslandsWant to get away from the cold and busyness before Xmas? Come back refreshed and revived for the Christmas festivities? A trip of a lifetime amidst the beautiful turquoise waters of the Caribbean awaits! Spend 9 days/8 nights aboard the 72ft yacht; Sea Dragon to reconnect with nature and yourself and discover one of the best places to be mindful – at sea. Spaces limited, more information and booking see

IT Tralee Seminar SeriesWe recently attended a day’s seminar held by the BA Outdoor Learning students at IT Tralee. It was a very insightful event attended by like-minded people looking into High-Quality Outdoor Learning (HQOL) in Ireland in the 21st century. There was also a webinar for those who could not attend the event in person. It was lovely to see a few familiar faces from our recent Iveragh Learning Landscapes Symposium! The next seminar will be held on the 9th of December. Email for more information and to book your place as places book up fast.

Also, I will be running a Marine wildlife and heritage course for UCC ‘s  Adult Continuing Education department in Spring 2017, Dates to be confirmed but it will be here in SW Kerry! If you would like a weekend of fun learning about our fantastic marine wildlife & heritage in the beautiful Iveragh Peninsula please contact me to find out more.

And last but most definitely not least, one of our longest staying interns at Sea Synergy; Louise King will be leaving us on Monday so we wish her well on her new adventures and work placement in Plymouth aquarium! Thanks for all the help this year! As many people do she too has fallen in love with lovely Iveragh and assures everyone she will be back J

Lots of great plans coming for 2017! Including our Optimum You Wellness workshops and retreats in January with Carey Yoga & Nutrition!! So be sure to keep up to date on our Facebook page: LH Marine & Sea Synergy not to miss out!

Have an awesome winter! Look forward to seeing you all again soon!