Past activities & events catch up!
Summer Sea Camp
We had an exciting week with a lovely group of budding marine biologists on our sea camp! Sessions were packed full of fun with talks, activities, experiments, and games to teach marine mammals, sharks and fish, rocky seashore species and marine conservation. Highlights were showing the campers a real dogfish and drawing out a life-size blue whale in the sand, all 30m of it! Matilda, age 8 from England, said her favorite part of the camp was exploring the rock pools with the camp leaders who “told us lots of cool facts”. Wonderful to hear! Thank you to all of our enthusiastic students who made the week a thoroughly enjoyable experience! Lots of sea camps will be running in summer 2017 so watch this space!
IWDG’s Whale Watch Ireland
We had a great afternoon on Hogs Head on the 27th August for IWDG’s National Whale Watch Ireland 2016. Even though we didn’t see the beautiful creatures a good time was had by all! Out of the 20 locations who took part across the country, 13 produced sightings with an impressive 5 species at Clogher Head in our very own Co. Kerry! Thank you to everyone who took part! –
Big Beach Clean
The clouds parted and the sun shone down on our annual Big Beach Clean in association with Clean Coasts! Fourteen volunteers collected in excess of 25 bags full of marine litter from Waterville Lohar and Inny strand beach! The bulk of the litter was plastic – bottles, fishing line/nets, cables, crates and we even found shoes and flip flops! It was lovely to see some new faces and especially holidaymakers from London! Thanks a million for the help, many hands make light work!
Coming up/News:
Heritage in Schools
I provide interactive workshops on biodiversity, marine heritage, wildlife and conservation, and ‘Leave No Trace’ for primary schools as part of the Heritage in Schools Scheme. The school visits provide additional education on the natural and cultural world. If you work in a school or know anyone who does please pass on this information! Follow the link below to find out how to book a visit!
Irish Responsible Tourism Awards
Sea Synergy has been shortlisted for the Irish Responsible Tourism Awards by a panel of industry experts under the category ‘Best for Natural Heritage Tourism’! We will find out the result on October 6th at the 2016 Irish Responsible Tourism Conference in Dublin. Wish us luck!
14th-16th October – Iveragh Learning Landscapes
A two-day event focussing on place-based learning, outdoor education, nature connection and heritage through talks, workshops and guided walks hosted by international and local experts. Perfect for educators, tourism providers, parents and anyone interested in our local environment. Family-friendly workshops will be taking place 10am-12pm on both Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th. Only €20 for the entire weekend. Not to be missed! Register online through Eventbrite (link below) ASAP as spaces are limited.