By Rebecca Murphy
Sea Synergy has been an absolute whirlwind, I’m just nearing the end of my 6th week here and I can say without a doubt I have not done the same thing two days in a row at work. It’s so exciting and there is no typical day or week for that matter. I have gained more practical experience in these short few weeks than I ever did before. I started off the internship with tasks such as beach cleans, day to day running of the shop and monitoring the animals in the exhibition and overall trying to get into the swing of things at the center. As part of my internship here at Sea Synergy I have got the opportunity to chat to all ages about some of the fascinating species we have in our waters around Ireland including spider crabs, oysters and thornback rays at events like Seafest for BIM and most recently at the Carnival of Science as part of the Marine Explorers program for the Marine Institute.
One of the real highlights of my time here so far has to be the trip I took to Skelligs last Wednesday. Puffins and Risso’s Dolphins in the same day-I don’t think I’ll ever top that, magnificent. A big thank you to John Lar and Luna the whale and dolphin spotting dog, for bringing the dolphins to our attention.
And to top off the mayhem, I have only 1 more instructing hour left to Log before I become qualified SUP level, one instructor.
The time I’ve spent here is already flying by, but I can tell there is so much more to come, the Sunny Summer Season is just about to take off.